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Social Security Initial Filing

Social Security Initial Filing


A Social Security Initial Filing is the first step in applying for Social Security Disability benefits both SSI and SSDI. Here is some basic information on what you need to do to prepare for your initial filing.

The initial filing for Social Security Disability Benefits is incredibly important to the outcome of your disability case, whether its SSI or SSDI. A Claimant can expect significant questions to be asked of you to complete the initial application regarding their impairments, work history, education, treating doctors, medications, and limitations. For that reason being prepared for this important process is crucial to your case.

What is your Social Security Disability Onset Date?

This is the first crucial question a Social Security claimant must address and one many people get wrong. The definition of Social Security Disability is the inability to sustain full time employment, based on medical opinion of vocational limitation, in any job that exists in significant numbers, in the national economy(other rules will apply to people over 45, that meet a listing, or have an impairment on the compassionate allowance list). That is you must show that the medical records or opinions will limit you from sustaining full time employment.

Your onset date is the date you first were unable to sustain full time employment, in other words you have to show that on this date you were unable to work full time and indeed were not working full time. Many people will list a date when they were injured, but after which they returned to full time work. This will most likely result in a denial. If you are working full time you are by definition not disabled. Unless other rules apply, a claimant’s onset date is after the person last worked full time.

File online or in person?

In Arizona SSI applications are done in person while SSDI applications can be done online. Online applications are speedy and allow you to submit all your information in one session if you have it all ready. Here is Social Security’s publication on submitting an application online. Once an online application is completed you simply print out the form and mail it along with the required SSA-827 that you will be given and any medical records and evidence you have in your possession. It is best to have and submit copies of all your medical records after your onset date with your initial mailing to Social Security.

You can apply online for SSDI

Medical Opinion of Vocational Limitations

The Social Security Administration will look at the severity of your condition. Your condition must interfere with your basic activities that are related to working. Again medical opinion of vocational limitation, or your treating doctors opinion of how your symptoms and diagnosis interfere with your ability to sustain full time employment is what is needed. It is not enough and may indeed be harmful to your case for a treating doctor to write that you are “disabled.” A treating doctors opinion of your Residual Functional Capacity is very important to a case.

Contact a Phoenix Social Security Attorney

The Social Security Initial Filing process and indeed an entire case can be very complex and overwhelming to applicants. If you have questions about a Social Security Disability Case, from initial filing to Federal Review, contact Social Security Disability Attorney Freddy Saavedra for a free consultation.

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